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Tackling my physical TBR

My bookshelves - Witchy Reads

I have seen almost all my favorite Booktubers do this, going through their physical TBR, so it is high time to tackle my TBR. No I have not made a video for you all, as I am definitely not comfortable with video yet, maybe sometime in the future but for now I have done a head count and came to 223 books. Oops that is actually less then I anticipated but it is still a lot of books to get through.

Some points of clarification, this to be read pile only includes fiction, non-fiction is an entirely different story, I did not think it was fair to include this, if you want to see a list of these books, let me know in the comments. I do track my non-fiction reading progress on Goodreads, but I do not have a TBR or anything going for this, at the moment.

Also I have excluded all manga and graphic novels from this list, I want to keep this separate as I feel this is just a different category all together. I am not going to track these on my Goodreads, that is just for actually full length books without pictures so to say.

Also for if you did not gather this from the title, ebooks are also excluded from this list. A TBR for this would be impossible to make, I have around 3000 books on my Amazon kindle account, these mostly consists of free ebooks, lots of them by self-published authors, every once in a while I do try to clean this list up, remove all that I am not interested in. I mostly read these as pallet cleansers, or when I do not know what I want to read then I pick up something that looks interesting. And usually around Christmas I pick up some of the Christmas romances just because I like the feeling it gives me, they almost all give me the Hallmark Christmas movie feel, except for Christmas Magic, which is actually a really well done fantasy story.

I am not going to go through the entire list of 223 book, but you can find my entire list here on Goodreads. Let me know which books I should prioritize! I thought it would be fun to at least highlight some of the books that are there, so let's get started shall we?

The longest book on my TBR

Kingdom of Ash cover - Sarah J. Maas - Witchy Reads

The longest books on my TBR are both bind ups of series, the entire Earthsea series by Ursela Leguin, counting 1008 pages total and the Duivel trilogy by Adrian Stone, which is a dutch paperback edition, signed by the author, very nice guy by the way, this also has 1008 pages. However it doesn't really seem fair to have them be the largest book, so the largest single book award goes to Kingdom of Ash, the conclusion of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I am hoping to finish this series this year, as I really should finish all the series I own and started. I am currently half way through Heir of Fire. I am loving how the world got so much bigger there is even more world building then in the first 2 books in the series, so I thrilled, so I am pretty sure I will be able to stick it out now until the end. What do you think of the reprints that have been happening for this series, I honestly don't get the cover change, I absolutely love the original covers for this series.

Wuthering Heights book cover - Emily Brontë - Witchy Reads

The shortest book on my TBR

The shortest book on my TBR is Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, I have always thought this would be longer, it is only a 120 pages, if I remember correctly the movie was rather long. I have a couple of classics in English in the same editions as this one, they kind of scare me as I have tried to read Emma in the past, I had a real hard time with it and did not finish it, so I am not sure if I will ever attempt to pick this one up, or any of the others that I own, maybe I should make a challenge out of it, as they are all pretty short, except for Uncle Tom's Cabin.

The book with the highest average rating on Goodreads.

Jade Legacy - Fonda Lee - Witchy Reads - book cover

Well that is interesting, the book with the highest average rating is Kingdom of Ash 4.67 (430.212 ratings, 42.947 reviews), the conclusion of the Throne of Glass series, which we have already talked about as being also the book with the largest page count.

It has a rating of 4,67 (21.386 ratings, 4290 reviews). So we are moving on the with the runner up, with an average rating of 4,65, is another conclusion to a series, Jade Legacy, by Fonda Lee. Boyfriend is currently devouring the Green Bone Saga, he is on to the second book Jade War and he is loving it. I own the beautiful Illumicrate editions of these books.

He can of course not tell me anything about it, because I still need to read them, but it sometimes works very well that he has read a series before me, because he will push me into reading and finishing a series so that we can talk about it together. That is what happened with the Arc of Scythe trilogy.

The book with the lowest average rating on Goodreads.

Wormwood - G.P. Taylor - Witchy Reads - Book Cover

The book with the lowest average rating is Wormwood by G.P. Taylor with a rating of 3,10 (1814 ratings 174 reviews) , this is a book I found when I was in London, in a very cute vintage book store. It was such a joy to visit a bookstore with so many unknown books. I picked it up because at the time I thought it looked interesting, however, I am not sure if I will ever read it, it just doesn't call out to me like some books on this TBR. I think it is considered a science fiction book, which is also not my main reading genre.

Other books in the lowest regions of the TBR are Witches Steeped In Gold average rating 3,21 (5.606 ratings, 1.504 reviews) by Ciannon Smart and Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar average rating of 3,30 (7.807 ratings, 1927 reviews). I am not surprised by the last one, but I was by Witches Steeped In Gold scoring so low, it was so hyped at the time it came out and was part of many book boxes as well. It is on my Witchy reading list for 2024 as well, so I guess I will find out.

The book that has been on my TBR the longest

Living Dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris - Book cover - Witchy Reads

The book that has been on my TBR the longest is Living Dead In Dallas, book two in the Sookie Stackhouse series, by Charlaine Harris. This is one of the books that came home with me from Canada, I have lived there in total 1,5 years.

The last stay was 6 months in Manitoba where I have done an internship. I bought this book in my favorite book store in Brandon. I read the first book Dead Until Dark on the train from Manitoba to Toronto. I do not recommend this by the way, just fly from Winnepeg, it is the same price and twice as fast. I never gotten around to pick up the second book, I did enjoy the first. Now I feel like I would have to re-read the first before I can move on to this one, plus I would want to have the rest of the series too so I can continue, else it will end up like this one being stuck on my TBR for years.

Let me know in the comments if the series is worth my time, I am curious to your opinions.

The book that I have added most recently to my TBR

Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree - Book cover - Witchy Reads

I got this for Christmas from my boyfriend! I am so excited to read this, and I hadn't expected to get this one, I was really suprised that he remembered that I wanted to read this.

The hype for this one has been enormous and I want on that train!

You can take a look at my TBR, you can find it at my Goodreads, your always welcome to send me a friend request if you would like to get in touch with there.


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